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Barack The Magic Negro

David Duke Calls New RNC Chair ‘Radical Black Racist’

David Duke, former Grand Dragon of the KKK and former Republican congressman from Louisiana isn’t happy about the GOP’s new choice for chairman of the Republican National Committee.  I wonder why…

I got the news from on Twitter, but I had to go to the horse’s mouth to check it out.

Sure enough, Duke calls former Maryland Lieutenant Governor Michael Steele “Obama Junior” and “a radical Black Racist”.  He blasts Steele for his pro-affirmative action stance, his opposition to assault weapons and his opposition to the death penalty.

More pointedly, Duke attacks the Republican party for betraying the Republican base.   According to the blog post on his site, Duke told the Washington Post:

I am glad these traitorous leaders of the Republican Party appointed this Black racist, affirmative action advocate to the head of the Republican party because this will lead to a huge revolt among the Republican base. As a former Republican official, I can tell you that millions of rank-and-file Republicans are mad as hell and aren’t going to take it anymore! We will either take the Republican Party back over the next four years or we will say, “To Hell With the Republican Party!” And we will take 90 percent of Republicans with us into a New Party that will take its current place!

Is Duke right?  Many people on the left have accused the Republican Party of racism over the years.  Surely the election of Michael Steele is a political move designed to erase that image and attract more Blacks and other minorities to the GOP.  Continue reading

David Duke Calls New RNC Chair ‘Radical Black Racist’

David Duke, former Grand Dragon of the KKK and former Republican congressman from Louisiana isn’t happy about the GOP’s new choice for chairman of the Republican National Committee.  I wonder why…

I got the news from on Twitter, but I had to go to the horse’s mouth to check it out.

Sure enough, Duke calls former Maryland Lieutenant Governor Michael Steele “Obama Junior” and “a radical Black Racist”.  He blasts Steele for his pro-affirmative action stance, his opposition to assault weapons and his opposition to the death penalty.

More pointedly, Duke attacks the Republican party for betraying the Republican base.   According to the blog post on his site, Duke told the Washington Post:

I am glad these traitorous leaders of the Republican Party appointed this Black racist, affirmative action advocate to the head of the Republican party because this will lead to a huge revolt among the Republican base. As a former Republican official, I can tell you that millions of rank-and-file Republicans are mad as hell and aren’t going to take it anymore! We will either take the Republican Party back over the next four years or we will say, “To Hell With the Republican Party!” And we will take 90 percent of Republicans with us into a New Party that will take its current place!

Is Duke right?  Many people on the left have accused the Republican Party of racism over the years.  Surely the election of Michael Steele is a political move designed to erase that image and attract more Blacks and other minorities to the GOP.  Continue reading

© Nadir Omowale