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The Story Behind the Song – “Run”

Fury Over Racist History of Democrats Video

DISCLAIMER: Some of my friends reported this video to Facebook. Apparently, American history is violent and graphic, but most of all, politically divisive. In other words, this is the United States, and this is history. The accuracy of the words has not been questioned.

WHITE FOLKS: If you view this video, you should be prepared to be all up in your feelings with FEAR and FRAGILITY about how a TRUE depiction of the Democratic Party’s racist past will affect everyone EXCEPT you and other white folks. You may find yourself caught up in the current neo-McCarthyist Russian scare mongering where you believe that any negative information about the United States is the work of former KGB agents bent on destroying YOUR country.

PEOPLE OF COLOR: If you view this video, you will be reminded that the current White House occupant is NOT the first racist president of the United States. In fact, you will be reminded that at times past, the Democratic Party may have been far worse.

While SOME people FEAR this may reinforce any desire you have to stay home and not participate in US electoral politics, you may find that it is MORE likely to inspire you to get out and VOTE for the record number of people of color and women running in primaries and in the mid-term elections this season. This video may very well remind you that you have a chance RIGHT NOW to begin changing the complexion of the Democratic Party FOREVER.

EVERYONE REMEMBER: Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. FEAR NOT the violent, racist history of the United States. MARCH BOLDLY FORWARD determined NOT to maintain the status quo and the tacit acceptance of white supremacy.

WE determine from here forward what type of nation we will be. Will you sit back and let the US remain weak and divided, lashing out like a bully whose only strength is superior firepower? Or will you DO THE WORK to make TRUE those shiny words in the parchment of this nation’s founding documents, that ALL HUMAN BEINGS are created equal; that hence we should ALL be afforded the SAME rights regardless of skin color or zip code or where and how your ancestors arrived on these shores?

This video is our collective history. We cannot change it. But THE FUTURE is entirely in our hands. Will you walk forward with knowledge, or continue to blindly follow the echoes of the past? The choice is yours.


Racist Imagery at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston – July 3, 2015

Racist Imagery at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston - July 3, 2015Our family made a pilgrimage to Mother Emanuel AME Zion Church in Charleston, SC today to pay our respects to those who lost their lives in the senseless, racist terrorist attack just two weeks ago.Among the dozens of flowers and other tributes that line the front gate, I saw this stuffed monkey. Some may say I'm overreacting, but where I come from, this is well known racist imagery. What I see is a monkey being lynched right in front of this house of worship where the whole world is mourning. Someone wanted to add insult to our injury. Someone spit on the graves of our murdered brothers and sisters here.I'm not sure how many people have noticed this, but as soon as I saw it, I understood the message. This brings me so much sadness and disappointment. In this place where so many people of all races are coming to honor the lives we lost here, some evil hearted soul used the opportunity to perpetuate the hatred. Happy Birthday, America. It is clear to me that we have a very long way to go.#motheremanuel #emanuelamezion #charleston #racistimagery #blacklivesmatter #Happy4thofjuly #terrorism #welcometoamerica
Our family made a pilgrimage to Mother Emanuel AME Zion Church in Charleston, SC today to pay our respects to those who lost their lives in the senseless, racist terrorist attack just two weeks ago.Among the dozens of flowers and other tributes that line the front gate, I saw this stuffed monkey.

Some may say I’m overreacting, but where I come from, this is well known racist imagery. What I see is a monkey being lynched right in front of this house of worship where the whole world is mourning. Someone wanted to add insult to our injury. Someone spit on the graves of our murdered brothers and sisters here.I’m not sure how many people have noticed this, but as soon as I saw it, I understood the message.

This brings me so much sadness and  disappointment. In this place where so many people of all races are coming to honor the lives we lost here, some evil hearted soul used the opportunity to perpetuate the hatred. Happy Birthday, America. It is clear to me that we have a very long way to go.

#motheremanuel #emanuelamezion #charleston #racistimagery #blacklivesmatter #Happy4thofjuly #terrorism #welcometoamerica

Tim Wise: Imagine If The Tea Party Was Black

Here’s an interesting and provocative post by our friend, Tim Wise.

What if the Tea Party was Black? Would they get away with half the stunts they’ve pulled at rallies?

“Imagine if the Tea Party Was Black” – Tim Wise

Let’s play a game, shall we?

The name of the game is called “Imagine.” The way it’s played is simple: we’ll envision recent happenings in the news, but then change them up a bit. Instead of envisioning white people as the main actors in the scenes we’ll conjure – the ones who are driving the action – we’ll envision black folks or other people of color instead. The object of the game is to imagine the public reaction to the events or incidents, if the main actors were of color, rather than white. Whoever gains the most insight into the workings of race in America, at the end of the game, wins.

So let’s begin.

Imagine that hundreds of black protesters were to descend upon Washington DC and Northern Virginia, just a few miles from the Capitol and White House, armed with AK-47s, assorted handguns, and ammunition. And imagine that some of these protesters —the black protesters — spoke of the need for political revolution, and possibly even armed conflict in the event that laws they didn’t like were enforced by the government? Would these protester — these black protesters with guns — be seen as brave defenders of the Second Amendment, or would they be viewed by most whites as a danger to the republic? What if they were Arab-Americans? Because, after all, that’s what happened recently when white gun enthusiasts descended upon the nation’s capital, arms in hand, and verbally announced their readiness to make war on the country’s political leaders if the need arose. Continue reading

Tim Wise: Imagine If The Tea Party Was Black

Here’s an interesting and provocative post by our friend, Tim Wise.

What if the Tea Party was Black? Would they get away with half the stunts they’ve pulled at rallies?

“Imagine if the Tea Party Was Black” – Tim Wise

Let’s play a game, shall we?

The name of the game is called “Imagine.” The way it’s played is simple: we’ll envision recent happenings in the news, but then change them up a bit. Instead of envisioning white people as the main actors in the scenes we’ll conjure – the ones who are driving the action – we’ll envision black folks or other people of color instead. The object of the game is to imagine the public reaction to the events or incidents, if the main actors were of color, rather than white. Whoever gains the most insight into the workings of race in America, at the end of the game, wins.

So let’s begin.

Imagine that hundreds of black protesters were to descend upon Washington DC and Northern Virginia, just a few miles from the Capitol and White House, armed with AK-47s, assorted handguns, and ammunition. And imagine that some of these protesters —the black protesters — spoke of the need for political revolution, and possibly even armed conflict in the event that laws they didn’t like were enforced by the government? Would these protester — these black protesters with guns — be seen as brave defenders of the Second Amendment, or would they be viewed by most whites as a danger to the republic? What if they were Arab-Americans? Because, after all, that’s what happened recently when white gun enthusiasts descended upon the nation’s capital, arms in hand, and verbally announced their readiness to make war on the country’s political leaders if the need arose. Continue reading

David Duke Calls New RNC Chair ‘Radical Black Racist’

David Duke, former Grand Dragon of the KKK and former Republican congressman from Louisiana isn’t happy about the GOP’s new choice for chairman of the Republican National Committee.  I wonder why…

I got the news from on Twitter, but I had to go to the horse’s mouth to check it out.

Sure enough, Duke calls former Maryland Lieutenant Governor Michael Steele “Obama Junior” and “a radical Black Racist”.  He blasts Steele for his pro-affirmative action stance, his opposition to assault weapons and his opposition to the death penalty.

More pointedly, Duke attacks the Republican party for betraying the Republican base.   According to the blog post on his site, Duke told the Washington Post:

I am glad these traitorous leaders of the Republican Party appointed this Black racist, affirmative action advocate to the head of the Republican party because this will lead to a huge revolt among the Republican base. As a former Republican official, I can tell you that millions of rank-and-file Republicans are mad as hell and aren’t going to take it anymore! We will either take the Republican Party back over the next four years or we will say, “To Hell With the Republican Party!” And we will take 90 percent of Republicans with us into a New Party that will take its current place!

Is Duke right?  Many people on the left have accused the Republican Party of racism over the years.  Surely the election of Michael Steele is a political move designed to erase that image and attract more Blacks and other minorities to the GOP.  Continue reading

David Duke Calls New RNC Chair ‘Radical Black Racist’

David Duke, former Grand Dragon of the KKK and former Republican congressman from Louisiana isn’t happy about the GOP’s new choice for chairman of the Republican National Committee.  I wonder why…

I got the news from on Twitter, but I had to go to the horse’s mouth to check it out.

Sure enough, Duke calls former Maryland Lieutenant Governor Michael Steele “Obama Junior” and “a radical Black Racist”.  He blasts Steele for his pro-affirmative action stance, his opposition to assault weapons and his opposition to the death penalty.

More pointedly, Duke attacks the Republican party for betraying the Republican base.   According to the blog post on his site, Duke told the Washington Post:

I am glad these traitorous leaders of the Republican Party appointed this Black racist, affirmative action advocate to the head of the Republican party because this will lead to a huge revolt among the Republican base. As a former Republican official, I can tell you that millions of rank-and-file Republicans are mad as hell and aren’t going to take it anymore! We will either take the Republican Party back over the next four years or we will say, “To Hell With the Republican Party!” And we will take 90 percent of Republicans with us into a New Party that will take its current place!

Is Duke right?  Many people on the left have accused the Republican Party of racism over the years.  Surely the election of Michael Steele is a political move designed to erase that image and attract more Blacks and other minorities to the GOP.  Continue reading

© Nadir Omowale