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The Democrats Are Punks


Love him or hate him or somewhere in between, this is our guy.

Remember this: First and foremost, the President of the United States is caretaker of the empire. So no matter WHO sits in that Oval Office, their job is to keep the empire strong and maintain the “American Way of Life”.

I am an anti-imperialist, so I will ALWAYS be at odds with the POTUS, no matter WHO it is. Yes, Biden is an oligarch. That’s the JOB of the president! To keep the nation safe for the oligarchy. You don’t believe me? Then read your history. No, not what they taught you as a junior in high school. REAL US HISTORY!

That being said, this is a VERY important election. Whether you believe your Democratic nominee is the right man for the job is IRRELEVANT! Put your personal feelings aside!


Yes, America has had racist presidents before. Yes America has had incompetent presidents before. THIS MOMENT IN TIME IS A CRITICAL AND SINGULAR MOMENT IN US HISTORY. The nation as you know it is already gone. Don’t allow everything you know and love to be swept away as well.

Am I being hyperbolic? Am I exaggerating? You REALLY think so? You really think it’s either going to get better or stay the same with another four years of MAGA? “It can’t get any worse?” REALLY??? DO YOU HONESTLY WANT TO FIND OUT??

Do you want to see some sense of the Hope and Promise that many of us believed had arrived when Obama was president, or are you one of those people who wants to turn back the clock to a time when “girls were girls, men were men, and people like YOU knew to STAY IN YOUR PLACE?”

If you truly love your family and my family, if you care about humanity and morality and human decency, IT IS YOUR CIVIC DUTY TO DO YOUR BEST TO MAKE SURE THAT TRUMP DOES NOT GET RE-ELECTED!

I’m sorry it has come to this. A lot of you are PISSED right now. Many of you are THRILLED, happy because you think Grandpa Joe is the best man for the job.

Whatever. It is what it is. Joe Biden is our guy. Give him your vote. Should you knock doors or make phone calls or put up a yard sign? That’s up to you.

But I’ll tell you this. TRUMP MUST NOT BE RE-ELECTED. Do what you gotta do. Don’t be ambivalent about it. GET THE JOB DONE!


You have your marching orders. Don’t fail your children, the rest of the human species, and all the species on this planet. Get ‘er done.

Fury Over Racist History of Democrats Video

DISCLAIMER: Some of my friends reported this video to Facebook. Apparently, American history is violent and graphic, but most of all, politically divisive. In other words, this is the United States, and this is history. The accuracy of the words has not been questioned.

WHITE FOLKS: If you view this video, you should be prepared to be all up in your feelings with FEAR and FRAGILITY about how a TRUE depiction of the Democratic Party’s racist past will affect everyone EXCEPT you and other white folks. You may find yourself caught up in the current neo-McCarthyist Russian scare mongering where you believe that any negative information about the United States is the work of former KGB agents bent on destroying YOUR country.

PEOPLE OF COLOR: If you view this video, you will be reminded that the current White House occupant is NOT the first racist president of the United States. In fact, you will be reminded that at times past, the Democratic Party may have been far worse.

While SOME people FEAR this may reinforce any desire you have to stay home and not participate in US electoral politics, you may find that it is MORE likely to inspire you to get out and VOTE for the record number of people of color and women running in primaries and in the mid-term elections this season. This video may very well remind you that you have a chance RIGHT NOW to begin changing the complexion of the Democratic Party FOREVER.

EVERYONE REMEMBER: Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. FEAR NOT the violent, racist history of the United States. MARCH BOLDLY FORWARD determined NOT to maintain the status quo and the tacit acceptance of white supremacy.

WE determine from here forward what type of nation we will be. Will you sit back and let the US remain weak and divided, lashing out like a bully whose only strength is superior firepower? Or will you DO THE WORK to make TRUE those shiny words in the parchment of this nation’s founding documents, that ALL HUMAN BEINGS are created equal; that hence we should ALL be afforded the SAME rights regardless of skin color or zip code or where and how your ancestors arrived on these shores?

This video is our collective history. We cannot change it. But THE FUTURE is entirely in our hands. Will you walk forward with knowledge, or continue to blindly follow the echoes of the past? The choice is yours.


Raw Story: Liberal Activists Pledge to Oppose Obama in 2012

What do you think about this article from The Raw Story:

Hundreds of liberal organizers and anti-war activists have signed a petition pledging to oppose President Barack Obama’s renomination in 2012 unless he reverses course in Afghanistan and pushes for significant cuts to military spending.

“We vow not to support President Barack Obama for renomination for another term in office, and to actively seek to impede his war policies unless and until he reverses them,” the pledge reads.

Veteran activist and lobbyist David Swanson “…added that there’s something ‘incredibly dishonest’ about criticizing President George W. Bush’s war and military policies without applying those same standards to Obama.”

Many of these same activists supported Obama’s 2008 presidential bid even though candidate Barack made it very clear that his intention was to shift the focus of war from Iraq to Afghanistan. The argument then was we couldn’t afford another four years of Bush, and that McCain would be a continuation of the same failed policies.

While Obama is different from Bush, and isn’t as bad as Republicans make him out to be, the president’s continuation of Bush era policies – continued domestic spying, no closure of Guantanamo, the sanctioning of torture, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention Wall Street bailouts and pandering to corporate America – are indefensible.

But is this a wise move? Certainly there are other candidates who would be more acceptable to liberals (Alan Grayson and Russ Feingold are mentioned), but could they gain the political (and financial) capital needed to mount a credible opposition?

What about the ever present Green Party? Could they make a serious push in 2012 with backing from big name liberals who oppose Obama’s wars?

Is this struggle for the soul of America worth the risk of a President Romney or President Gingrich or a President Palin?

At what point do you sacrifice “standing on your principles” and “doing the right thing” for “political pragmatism and expediency?” Well, ok. Liberals have been doing that for years with support of the Democratic party. When will it stop? If not now, when?

The Raw Story: Hundreds of liberal activists pledge to oppose Obama in 2012

Raw Story: Liberal Activists Pledge to Oppose Obama in 2012

What do you think about this article from The Raw Story:

Hundreds of liberal organizers and anti-war activists have signed a petition pledging to oppose President Barack Obama’s renomination in 2012 unless he reverses course in Afghanistan and pushes for significant cuts to military spending.

“We vow not to support President Barack Obama for renomination for another term in office, and to actively seek to impede his war policies unless and until he reverses them,” the pledge reads.

Veteran activist and lobbyist David Swanson “…added that there’s something ‘incredibly dishonest’ about criticizing President George W. Bush’s war and military policies without applying those same standards to Obama.”

Many of these same activists supported Obama’s 2008 presidential bid even though candidate Barack made it very clear that his intention was to shift the focus of war from Iraq to Afghanistan. The argument then was we couldn’t afford another four years of Bush, and that McCain would be a continuation of the same failed policies.

While Obama is different from Bush, and isn’t as bad as Republicans make him out to be, the president’s continuation of Bush era policies – continued domestic spying, no closure of Guantanamo, the sanctioning of torture, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention Wall Street bailouts and pandering to corporate America – are indefensible.

But is this a wise move? Certainly there are other candidates who would be more acceptable to liberals (Alan Grayson and Russ Feingold are mentioned), but could they gain the political (and financial) capital needed to mount a credible opposition?

What about the ever present Green Party? Could they make a serious push in 2012 with backing from big name liberals who oppose Obama’s wars?

Is this struggle for the soul of America worth the risk of a President Romney or President Gingrich or a President Palin?

At what point do you sacrifice “standing on your principles” and “doing the right thing” for “political pragmatism and expediency?” Well, ok. Liberals have been doing that for years with support of the Democratic party. When will it stop? If not now, when?

The Raw Story: Hundreds of liberal activists pledge to oppose Obama in 2012

Plight of the Black Republican

The Republican-led 112th Congress is now in session. GOP gains during the 2010 election were fueled largely by the inability of the punk Democrats to mobilize their own base.

Logic would suggest that this is a good time to recruit young blacks to the Republican fold. But, as this video demonstrates, being a black Republican isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

Plight of the Black Republican

The Republican-led 112th Congress is now in session. GOP gains during the 2010 election were fueled largely by the inability of the punk Democrats to mobilize their own base.

Logic would suggest that this is a good time to recruit young blacks to the Republican fold. But, as this video demonstrates, being a black Republican isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

Former Vol QB Shuler Fumbling in Bid to Challenge Pelosi

What former Tennessee Vol QB Heath Shuler (D-NC) and his fellow Democrats in the House of Representatives don’t realize is that they didn’t lose this last election big because they aren’t “moderate” enough. The Democrats simply didn’t get enough done for the American people in the last two years.

They championed Wall Street over Main Street, big insurance companies over patients, war over peace. They lost because they didn’t do enough to excite the Democratic base after their history-making victory in 2008. If anything, they should have been MORE liberal, MORE different from the GOP.

I agree that Pelosi should step aside, but not for a more moderate minority leader. She should step aside for a BETTER leader – someone who can GET THINGS DONE for the American people. And if his decision-making as a Washington Redskin and his failure to understand the will of the electorate are any indication, Heath Shuler isn’t that leader either.

Huffington Post: Heath Shuler: If Nancy Pelosi Runs I’ll Challenge Her, And Lose

Former Vol QB Shuler Fumbling in Bid to Challenge Pelosi

What former Tennessee Vol QB Heath Shuler (D-NC) and his fellow Democrats in the House of Representatives don’t realize is that they didn’t lose this last election big because they aren’t “moderate” enough. The Democrats simply didn’t get enough done for the American people in the last two years.

They championed Wall Street over Main Street, big insurance companies over patients, war over peace. They lost because they didn’t do enough to excite the Democratic base after their history-making victory in 2008. If anything, they should have been MORE liberal, MORE different from the GOP.

I agree that Pelosi should step aside, but not for a more moderate minority leader. She should step aside for a BETTER leader – someone who can GET THINGS DONE for the American people. And if his decision-making as a Washington Redskin and his failure to understand the will of the electorate are any indication, Heath Shuler isn’t that leader either.

Huffington Post: Heath Shuler: If Nancy Pelosi Runs I’ll Challenge Her, And Lose

Punk Democrats Will Screw Up a Sure Thing

The Democrats got their wish!

Tea Party victories in key elections have all but guaranteed that the right will be split in November. The selection of extremist right-wingers in the GOP primaries should force independents and moderate Republicans over to the Democratic side in the general elections.

Of course, we have all the faith in the world that the Punk Democrats will find some way to screw up a sure thing. Jon Stewart and the correspondents at The Daily Show were reading my mind.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Tea Party Primaries – Beyond the Palin
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

Punk Democrats Will Screw Up a Sure Thing

The Democrats got their wish!

Tea Party victories in key elections have all but guaranteed that the right will be split in November. The selection of extremist right-wingers in the GOP primaries should force independents and moderate Republicans over to the Democratic side in the general elections.

Of course, we have all the faith in the world that the Punk Democrats will find some way to screw up a sure thing. Jon Stewart and the correspondents at The Daily Show were reading my mind.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Tea Party Primaries – Beyond the Palin
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party
© Nadir Omowale