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David Swanson

Raw Story: Liberal Activists Pledge to Oppose Obama in 2012

What do you think about this article from The Raw Story:

Hundreds of liberal organizers and anti-war activists have signed a petition pledging to oppose President Barack Obama’s renomination in 2012 unless he reverses course in Afghanistan and pushes for significant cuts to military spending.

“We vow not to support President Barack Obama for renomination for another term in office, and to actively seek to impede his war policies unless and until he reverses them,” the pledge reads.

Veteran activist and lobbyist David Swanson “…added that there’s something ‘incredibly dishonest’ about criticizing President George W. Bush’s war and military policies without applying those same standards to Obama.”

Many of these same activists supported Obama’s 2008 presidential bid even though candidate Barack made it very clear that his intention was to shift the focus of war from Iraq to Afghanistan. The argument then was we couldn’t afford another four years of Bush, and that McCain would be a continuation of the same failed policies.

While Obama is different from Bush, and isn’t as bad as Republicans make him out to be, the president’s continuation of Bush era policies – continued domestic spying, no closure of Guantanamo, the sanctioning of torture, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention Wall Street bailouts and pandering to corporate America – are indefensible.

But is this a wise move? Certainly there are other candidates who would be more acceptable to liberals (Alan Grayson and Russ Feingold are mentioned), but could they gain the political (and financial) capital needed to mount a credible opposition?

What about the ever present Green Party? Could they make a serious push in 2012 with backing from big name liberals who oppose Obama’s wars?

Is this struggle for the soul of America worth the risk of a President Romney or President Gingrich or a President Palin?

At what point do you sacrifice “standing on your principles” and “doing the right thing” for “political pragmatism and expediency?” Well, ok. Liberals have been doing that for years with support of the Democratic party. When will it stop? If not now, when?

The Raw Story: Hundreds of liberal activists pledge to oppose Obama in 2012

Raw Story: Liberal Activists Pledge to Oppose Obama in 2012

What do you think about this article from The Raw Story:

Hundreds of liberal organizers and anti-war activists have signed a petition pledging to oppose President Barack Obama’s renomination in 2012 unless he reverses course in Afghanistan and pushes for significant cuts to military spending.

“We vow not to support President Barack Obama for renomination for another term in office, and to actively seek to impede his war policies unless and until he reverses them,” the pledge reads.

Veteran activist and lobbyist David Swanson “…added that there’s something ‘incredibly dishonest’ about criticizing President George W. Bush’s war and military policies without applying those same standards to Obama.”

Many of these same activists supported Obama’s 2008 presidential bid even though candidate Barack made it very clear that his intention was to shift the focus of war from Iraq to Afghanistan. The argument then was we couldn’t afford another four years of Bush, and that McCain would be a continuation of the same failed policies.

While Obama is different from Bush, and isn’t as bad as Republicans make him out to be, the president’s continuation of Bush era policies – continued domestic spying, no closure of Guantanamo, the sanctioning of torture, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention Wall Street bailouts and pandering to corporate America – are indefensible.

But is this a wise move? Certainly there are other candidates who would be more acceptable to liberals (Alan Grayson and Russ Feingold are mentioned), but could they gain the political (and financial) capital needed to mount a credible opposition?

What about the ever present Green Party? Could they make a serious push in 2012 with backing from big name liberals who oppose Obama’s wars?

Is this struggle for the soul of America worth the risk of a President Romney or President Gingrich or a President Palin?

At what point do you sacrifice “standing on your principles” and “doing the right thing” for “political pragmatism and expediency?” Well, ok. Liberals have been doing that for years with support of the Democratic party. When will it stop? If not now, when?

The Raw Story: Hundreds of liberal activists pledge to oppose Obama in 2012

David Swanson: How and Why I Just Voted


Having spent the past several years trying to end wars and militarism, I have just voted for a presidential candidate who seems intent on expanding them.

Having won the Democratic primary largely on the strength of his extremely limited and inconsistent opposition to the war on Iraq, Senator Barack Obama chose as his running mate Senator Joe Biden, a man who had led efforts in the U.S. Senate to support the invasion. Obama’s staff have told reporters that he is inclined to keep Robert Gates on as Secretary of War (or “Defense”) – exactly the same plan proposed by Senator John McCain’s campaign. Continue reading

David Swanson: How and Why I Just Voted


Having spent the past several years trying to end wars and militarism, I have just voted for a presidential candidate who seems intent on expanding them.

Having won the Democratic primary largely on the strength of his extremely limited and inconsistent opposition to the war on Iraq, Senator Barack Obama chose as his running mate Senator Joe Biden, a man who had led efforts in the U.S. Senate to support the invasion. Obama’s staff have told reporters that he is inclined to keep Robert Gates on as Secretary of War (or “Defense”) — exactly the same plan proposed by Senator John McCain’s campaign. Continue reading

AUDIO: Nadir on The People Speak Radio Oct. 15, 2008 – News From the Service Entrance Oct. 16, 2008

On Wednesday, October 15, 2008, Nadir was interviewed on The People Speak Radio with host David Swanson.  They talked about politics, Nadir’s MTV Street Team ’08 gig and the Workin’ For the Man album.

The People Speak Radio is concerned with a passion for guests from the realms of entertainment, the arts, literature, philosophy, politics, activism, healing, and environmentalism. All of the guests are united by a desire to share their experiences, work, organizations and talents with others.

During the interview Nadir answers the question, “Who are you voting for in the upcoming election and why (you may be surprised by the response)?”

Check out the 1 hour audio interview HERE:

The next day Nadir spoke to Mario and Gary on News From The Service Entrance on Chicago’s WHPK FM 88.5.  Listen to their 15 minute conversation HERE: Nadir on News From The Service Entrance

Nadir Radio Interviews, Chicago & Online

In between mixing Maceo Tha Grammar God’s new record and producing a new video for MTV’s Street Team ’08, I’ll be busy promoting the Workin’ For The Man album this week.  Check out my upcoming radio interviews:

Wednesday, October 15, 8:00pm – 9:00pm EST
The People Speak Radio
Host: David Swanson
JOIN THE CONVERSATION in the Virtual Auditorium chat room

The People Speak Radio is concerned with a passion for guests from the realms of entertainment, the arts, literature, philosophy, politics, activism, healing, and environmentalism. All of the guests are united by a desire to share their experiences, work, organizations and talents with others. Through a live, hour-long format featuring host/guest interviews and a segment of audience questions for the guest, the goal is to entertain, involve, inform, perhaps, even inspire.

Thursday, October 16, 2:30pm CST
News From The Service Entrance
WHPK 88.5FM – Chicago

Host: Mario

The word on the street hits the airwaves: News from the frontline, music from the WHPK library, and interviews with the famous and infamous, nationally known celebrities and local legends. It’s radio that you will not hear anywhere else.

The Democrats Are Warmongers Too

Well, the punk Democrats voted in favor of war again.

David Swanson of blogged live from Capitol Hill as the House of Representatives voted to pass a supplemental bill that would again fund the Iraqi occupation. His blow by blow is an interesting analysis in how this Congrsssional vote went.

But the point is, the House voted to continue funding the war by passing the funding bill. Bush gets his wish.

We can’t keep calling this Bush’s war when the Democrats continuously vote to keep it going. They approved this war in the beginning, and except for the half-assed effort to seek a concession from the White House a couple of weeks ago, they have voted in favor of war again. The Democrats, though they were put in power to stop the war, have voted to continue it.

Who are the warmongers? All but 12 representatives. In fact, two Republicans voted against the war. Continue reading

The Democrats Are Warmongers Too

Well, the punk Democrats voted in favor of war again.

David Swanson of blogged live from Capitol Hill as the House of Representatives voted to pass a supplemental bill that would again fund the Iraqi occupation. His blow by blow is an interesting analysis in how this Congrsssional vote went.

But the point is, the House voted to continue funding the war by passing the funding bill. Bush gets his wish.

We can’t keep calling this Bush’s war when the Democrats continuously vote to keep it going. They approved this war in the beginning, and except for the half-assed effort to seek a concession from the White House a couple of weeks ago, they have voted in favor of war again. The Democrats, though they were put in power to stop the war, have voted to continue it.

Who are the warmongers? All but 12 representatives. In fact, two Republicans voted against the war. Continue reading

Our Nation Has Six Senators, The Military Industrial Media Complex Has 93

My edit of David Swanson’s post at (linked here and above):

On our side: Feingold, Harkin, Boxer, Kennedy, Kerry, and Byrd.

On their side: Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Carl Levin, Debbie Stabenow and the other 89.

“Congress plunged into divisive election-year debate on the Iraq war Thursday as the U.S. military death toll reached 2,500. The Senate soundly rejected a call to withdraw combat troops by year’s end, and House Republicans laid the groundwork for their own vote. In a move Democrats criticized as gamesmanship, Senate Republicans brought up the withdrawal measure and quickly dispatched it – for now – on a 93-6 vote.” Continue reading

Our Nation Has Six Senators, The Military Industrial Media Complex Has 93

My edit of David Swanson’s post at (linked here and above):

On our side: Feingold, Harkin, Boxer, Kennedy, Kerry, and Byrd.

On their side: Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Carl Levin, Debbie Stabenow and the other 89.

“Congress plunged into divisive election-year debate on the Iraq war Thursday as the U.S. military death toll reached 2,500. The Senate soundly rejected a call to withdraw combat troops by year’s end, and House Republicans laid the groundwork for their own vote. In a move Democrats criticized as gamesmanship, Senate Republicans brought up the withdrawal measure and quickly dispatched it – for now – on a 93-6 vote.” Continue reading

© Nadir Omowale